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Sajjad Khan

Sajjad Khan is the CEO of Hope for Life Bangladesh. He received a BSc from the Thomas Valley College in London, UK in the field of Computing & Informational Technology. While in London he completed Back Office and Management training from J. Sainsbury’s PLC. He trained at the World Wide Web Institute in Dhaka, Bangladesh to become a Certified Web Commerce Master (CWCM). A special little girl named Kitty from Jessore, Bangladesh changed his life and since meeting her Sajjad has developed the Hope for Life Bangladesh. This business manufactures prosthetics, orthotics and assistive devices and trains people with a variety of disabilities to use these products. He has interned and gained extended knowledge in prosthetics and orthotics from the JFK Rehabilitation Hospital in Edison, New Jersey, USA. Sajjad has been a member of the IASE Volunteer Service Project since 2009, and has been the IASE point person in Bangladesh helping to coordinate the three Volunteer Service Project sites in his country. When you get a chance…ask him about Kitty!

International Association of Special Education

Fostering a Global Exchange of Ideas and Information

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