Travel from Prague to Pilsen by train.
Important Information and Reminders for Delegates and Workshop Presenters.
Important Conference reminders
Pre conference site visit Information
So what is unique about special education in the United States and the similarities and differences from other countries?
Continue to get ready for the 18th Biennial IASE International conference: June 27-July 1 in Pilsen, Czech Republic
Get Ready for the 18th Biennial IASE Conference in Pilsen, Czech Republic
IASE 18th Biennial Conference will be held at the University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic
Conference is Approaching
Conference Bags.......
We?ll Miss You, Marg!
We, the LSC!
The Five Month Itch
Summer Post, Tanzania Conference 2019
IASE 16th Biennial Conference UPDATE: July 14-17, 2019, Magamba TZ
International Association of Special Education
International Association of Special Education
Fostering a Global Exchange of Ideas and Information