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Second IASE Virtual Dialogue Meeting

February 27, 2021 via Zoom

9-11 a.m. EDT (NY)

This meeting focused on what is happening in education around the world during the pandemic. Special thanks to our all our members from around the globe for their contributions. 

Our panelists included : Bronwell Hewitt (UK) Esther Wanjiku Karanja (Kenya) Lightness Mbila (Tanzania) Dr. Doreen Myrie (USA) & Dr. Charles Omoke (Kenya)

Our Co-Moderators: Dr. Beatrice Adera and Manuk Kachatryan


IASE Virtual Dialogue Meeting

Oct 10, 2020 via Zoom

9-11 a.m. EDT (NY)

This meeting was an excellent opportunity for our members and leaders from around the world to discuss the ongoing changes to our education community during this global pandemic. Thank you to all who attended and contributed. 

Special Thanks to IASE by our Latest Member

Sherwin Fraser, a recent Marg Scholarship Awardee has been invited to serve as a panelist on three live television series here in Georgetown, by ChildLink Guyana INC, This is a Rights Based Children Organization that discusses issues facing children including those with special needs. This forum has enabled many Guyanese to better understand the challenges faced by children with disabilities and many persons are more enlightened now.

In addition he is now the Deputy Principal (ag) at President's College and an Associate Member of the International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities (IARLD). His nomination to IARLD was successfully accepted by the Executive Board in October 2017. In 2018, he looking forward to pursue a PhD in Special Education.

"My desire is to continue to work to help children with special education needs and to promote the work of IASE. Indeed, I would like more members from Guyana to join IASE and have been able to meet with a group of teachers recently to sensitize them about IASE and its work. To accelerate this goal, I have decided that I will make a personal commitment by sponsoring at least two teachers to become members and this will be done in January 2018. I believe this initiative is necessary and will assist in greater spread of information about IASE. This is also necessary since one of my goal is to see Guyana being a Volunteer site for IASE. I am happy that I attended the conference and I am also happy that I am part of the IASE membership. Since my return, I have been able to share many stories about the conference and IASE with students, parents and other persons working with children. However, one of our major challenges in Guyana is timely implementation of policies that will benefit children with special needs. Nevertheless, as we approach 2018, I am optimistic that there will be greater acceptance of the issues facing children with special needs and the willingness on the part of policymakers to address them in a timely manner."

Members Showcase..........

Championing IASE

In an effort to support our members rich background and expertise, IASE is looking to learn, to connect, to be inspired, to belong and begin to share what we are doing for all children and young adults with disabilities within our field.


So if you have an event, book, and or resource you wish to share feel free to contact our membership chair at your earliest at :


Shewin Fraser - Deputy Principal, President's College, Guyana


Reflecting on 2017, I must thank you and the Board of IASE for giving me the opportunity to participate in the 15th Biennial Conference in Perth Australia through the Marg Csapo Scholarship. It has created new horizons for me and has also inspired many people with whom I work in Guyana, because there are very limited opportunities for Guyanese in these areas despite the amazing work done in the field of Special Education

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